
The Space

We operate out of Bubbly Dynamics, located on 37th St between Morgan and Racine.

Our space is 1,200 square feet and is subdivided based on the awesome tools we offer:

Meeting Space – caters toward collaboration, with a projector, sound system, gaming equipment, plenty of outlets, and a cabinet full of board games

Electronics Workbench – houses our soldering irons, screwdrivers, a hot air rework gun, oscilloscopes, oodles of components, a multimeter, a signal generator and a lot of components you might need to fix your own consumer goods

Rapid Prototyping Area – resin and filament 3d printers, a laser cutter, a CNC machine, and fabric working equipment

Vinyl Cutter and Phlatprinter - mobile devices which can roll away when not being used

Wood Shop – located at the back of our space, includes a table saw, band saw, jointer, router, miter saw, planer, drill press, chop saw, sanders, and nail gun, as well as welding tools, Dewalt power/hand tools, and air compressors, hand tools like screwdrivers, power drills and hammers

Technology – We currently have an empty rack and a handful of servers sitting around. We have a 1 GB/s down and up Internet connection! Come celebrate this with us by hosting something in our space!

Other Amenities – storage lockers, a mini fridge, access to the community garden outside, much more

We’re always in the process of building or upgrading new tools! Come check out what’s cooking. To see more photos of our space, check out our Facebook photo album documenting the build-out. For potential donations, please contact pr@sshchicago.org.

The Board

Ben Moroney - President

  • wishes he was a meme
  • really likes Discord
  • Contact: president@sshchicago.org

    Shawn CoyleVice President

  • has a cute dog named Andi
  • has another cute dog named Nyx
  • Contact: vicepresident@sshchicago.org

    Dmitriy VysotskiyTreasurer

  • transmission engineer by day, lazy bum by night
  • jack of many trades, master of some
  • tea lover
  • somewhat fluent in Russian
  • co-founder
  • prefers to not have fun facts, even though he has the most fun facts
  • Contact: treasurer@sshchicago.org

    Adam KadzbanChief Technology Officer

  • still watches Vine compilations
  • is both a ham boi and a hab enthusiast
  • keeps breaking or losing his drones
  • Contact: cto@sshchicago.org

    Andrew EdwardsSecretary

  • prefers boxed lightning to bottled
  • has his own mad scientist lair
  • is a friend to all metals everywhere
  • Contact: secretary@sshchicago.org

    Kalina J.Public Relations

  • wildlife, cars, scavenging
  • breaks things more than makes things
  • all things shadetree
  • Contact: pr@sshchicago.org

    Tyler TaylorMember-At-Large

  • finds humor in jumbo shrimp
  • is a life-long tinkerer
  • Contact: memberatlarge@sshchicago.org

    © SSH:C, 2025